Friday, August 26, 2005

despite from what i've heard others say, Yoda DID NOT have"relations" with the wookies (especially Chewbacca) in order to bring about the ewoks.

there, i said it.

sure, the ewoks are fuzzy yoda sized little wookies.

sure, chewbacca and yoda seemed to show a buddylike affection in revenge of the sith.

the ewoks seemed to see chewbacca as a father figure in return of the jedi.

...but that does not mean that an ewok is a half breed wookie, and ...well, whatever yoda is.

just accept the fact that the ewoks were cannibalistic teddy bears and leave it at that.

and just keep telling yourself:

it's only a movie.

Recieve boots and a sandwich, you will.
What was Yoda?
You go Man! Keep preaching.
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