Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Bucket List:

create a new term for "bucket list" and make it stick.

see They Might Be Giants in concert(that one i just did, huzzah)

cancel Christmas (and all the other December holidays as well, cancelling Kwanzaa just doesn't have the same ring to it)

outlive both Prince and George Lucas. when those two die, someone is totally gonna mess with the stuff they leave behind.

use a jet pack.

own a life sized Artoo-Detoo.

be in a movie with someone who will make me at least one of six degrees to Kevin Bacon.

go to a comic book convention in an authentic looking costume of some degree of awesomeness. (in my opinion at least. don't care what you non-nerds think)

be the voice of a cartoon character.

see the end of Waterworld, i've seen the beginning and the middle on several occasions, i just never, well...

watch all the Doctor Who i can. it's something i never really got into.

learn a deadly martial art. tell no one.

finish this bucket list.

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