Friday, December 17, 2010
do atheists hate the restaurant T.G.I. Fridays?
it just seems to me that a group that does not want to spend American money that has "in God we trust" printed on it would also avoid eating loaded potato skins at an eatery themed around thanking God for a particular day.
it just seems to me that a group that does not want to spend American money that has "in God we trust" printed on it would also avoid eating loaded potato skins at an eatery themed around thanking God for a particular day.
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I believe they just might hate it indeed.
Maybe they instead go down to their local T.S.I.F. (Thank Science It's Friday).
Maybe they instead go down to their local T.S.I.F. (Thank Science It's Friday).
wow... the stupidity of thids is overwhelming. no wonder the world hates america. stop trying to force your beliefs on everyone else and there won't be an issue. people can eat wherever they want. it's a name of a restaurant using a phrase that's been adapted by our modern language. there's no crosses hanging on the walls and it's not a hateful bigot-filled place like a church. i'd call you a smart-ass but you're clearly a dumb-ass
sooooo, atheists love TGI fridays? i'm a red robin man myself? as long as the server isn't too annoying and they don't pretend to be happy it's my birthday i'm good. three words with dases: happy-go-lucky.
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