Thursday, December 03, 2009

He finally got his own official figure.

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From Star Wars Empire Strikes Back it's ICE CREAM MAKER GUY.

one of my favorite unsung characters randomly running around in the background. his important job during the evacuation of Cloud City was to save the old fashioned ice cream maker.


we salute you.

It only makes sense that Ice Cream Maker Guy comes with optional cybernetic arm. That makes him smart, see? He knows that in the Star Wars universe people lose limbs all the time - particularly hands and/or arms.

Ice Cream Maker Guy = Genius.
all in the name of "Jedi business"

but sadly, Ice Cream Maker Guy comes with a droid arm so that you have to collect all six figures that they put out so you can finish putting together just one. "well, i don't need another Jar Jar, but if i don't buy him my other toy doesn't have a left leg.

Ice Cream Maker Guy = Genius

Toy Company = Evil Genius
Curse their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
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