Wednesday, September 16, 2009


the mice in my garage have been well fed.

the reason being is that they are smart evil buggers that can lick the mouse traps clean without setting them off. i can smear every inch of them with peanut butter or reece's cups and they would still manage to remove every morsel without springing the er, um, spring.

so i figured, well, since i'm feeding them i might as well feed them poison.

now i know when you do this, the mice tend to crawl into a corner and die.
and then they tend to smell.

but i really wanted the vermin to die. i was willing to have my garage smell like dead mice until i had time to clean it all out.

...but at least one didn't crawl outside or into a garage corner. it crawled into the most cluttered corner of my bedroom.


Dinglenoose will always get the last word on revenge.

olfactory overload.

oh. and my TV just died. so that sucks.

it's a sign. you obviously watched something that is only meant to be watched in HD.
it was Wolverine.
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