Friday, August 21, 2009
i would like to give a big thumbs up to those who made the now overused term "FAIL" vastly popular. and whoever thought to add the adjective "EPIC", well, good job to you too.
these words have always spoken to me. possibly because i've done it so often. some of my best website entries are based on my epic failures.
here's a story and picture of some other guy's sad misunderstanding.
nick, ginger, andrew and i put our heads together and decided we wanted a comic book artist to draw the following:
we wanted a drawing of me (Spacey) dressed as any G.I. Joe character fighting Oprah (any size he wished) dressed as the Baroness withe the title G.I. Joe: the Rise of Oprah.
the first artist i went to thought it was a great idea!
he said.. 80 bucks.
i said... no.
the next guy said well, i have to work at home to do it right. oh. and that will be 50 bucks.
i said. oh. aaaaaaand no.
the next guy i went to heard every word i said. he even took a picture of me on his phone so he could get the face right.
well, for 5 bucks, here's what i got instead.
once again.
i would like to give a big thumbs up to those who made the now overused term "FAIL" vastly popular. and whoever thought to add the adjective "EPIC", well, good job to you too.
these words have always spoken to me. possibly because i've done it so often. some of my best website entries are based on my epic failures.
here's a story and picture of some other guy's sad misunderstanding.
nick, ginger, andrew and i put our heads together and decided we wanted a comic book artist to draw the following:
we wanted a drawing of me (Spacey) dressed as any G.I. Joe character fighting Oprah (any size he wished) dressed as the Baroness withe the title G.I. Joe: the Rise of Oprah.
the first artist i went to thought it was a great idea!
he said.. 80 bucks.
i said... no.
the next guy said well, i have to work at home to do it right. oh. and that will be 50 bucks.
i said. oh. aaaaaaand no.
the next guy i went to heard every word i said. he even took a picture of me on his phone so he could get the face right.
well, for 5 bucks, here's what i got instead.
once again.