Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a collossal waste of time.

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haven't been writing anything fun and new cuz i haven't been doing just that. instead with every minute that i'm not driving my kids all over the planet (which i really really appreciate my wife for doing when i have a real job) is going through the Star Wars collection and weeding out things that i could sell and wouldn't miss. it ain't easy.

here's the thing, the stuff that i would sell is not worth what i would want for it. people usually look at all the stuff and think that it's worth a lot of money. not true. soooo not true. when i bought these toys and dolls (yes, let's face it. Boba Fett, despite his rocket firing jetpack, is a doll. don't fool yourself.) they were on sale. if these things weren't heavily marked down, then they didn't come home with me. the items that i did buy that were "rare exclusives" that i thought would do nothing but go up in price, well, that's what everybody thought and did. so they flood the market on places like ebay and the prices go down below even retail.
thanks, jerks. i hate you all.
so that's what i've been doing lately. going through the stuff. selling some. storing away others, so i can do this all over again next year when i have time off.
it's like a yearly inventory.
some people do spring cleaning. i have no free time in the spring! if i did, i would go frolfing more often.
as it stands, it turns into a year end clearance.

my wife would just throw it all on the curb and take the "Best Offer."
or she would just set it all ablaze and wonder if you could see the glow from outer space.

but if anybody is interested in buying a Wizard World Exclusive Vanishing Beaker doll from the Mupppets, just lemme know.

O'Doyle rules!!!

I PAID 12 AMERICAN... You're Carl Weathers...
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