Tuesday, August 12, 2008

most pathetic cat ever.

this old farm cat comes up and says hi to me while i'm cleaning a pool. well, actually it doesn't really meow. it just opens it's mouth like it's gonna meow, but it's like the sound is on mute.
it's fur is falling off all over it's body. it's eyes are all crusty. it's nose is all blackened. and it's ear is all torn up from some fight or something.
i pet it for just a little bit. but not too long, i'm always afraid that if i touch this cat then the next animal i touch will die. i wash my hands with a wetnap after scratching it's ear for a few seconds.

i wish i could have got a better picture, but it wasn't being cooperative.

every time i see this thing i'm surprised it's still alive.

p.s. i can finally hear out of my right ear, but it came at a price...

Did you have to sacrifice a 24 pack o dew on the alter of hearing?
Or were you just forced to watch Under the Cherry Moon again... ALL THE WAY THROUGH!
no...and no.
Here comes Li'l Brudder!
He can, make it on his own!

Scrap right along while I'm singin' this song, ya know, he was born to ramble and roam!

Here comes Li'l Brudder, he's got one leg up on life (just one! That's right.)
He's the king of the dredge, minus three legs, and he'll prob'ly never take him a wife!

Here comes Li'l Brudder, he's got a pocket full of cash. He can barely stand up, your favorite one legged pup, he'll do a 20 minute hundred yard dash!

Li'l Brudder, Li'l Brudder, and maybe Tendafoot too!

"I can make it on my own!"
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