Wednesday, November 07, 2007

ahhhh cassettes.

besides from being a dead technology, these are old Christian bands that only like 2 of my readers would recognize.

mainly metal.

but tall steve pointed out that the term "Christian death metal" made no sense.

i never thought about that while i was growing up.

but there are some pretty gruesome parts of the Bible (especially in Revelation) that make good death metal material.

and you are most certainly welcome to sing (yell/scream) about hate as long as you direct it at the devil.

freedom of speech is a funny thing.

some people sing to the devil. some against.

some people sing to God. again, some against.

and some people just sing about their pants.

i don't know who's side they are on.

and maybe i just don't wanna know.

this caption was only gonna be 2 or 3 lines.

but i guess i got a wee bit carried away.

i wonder when was the last time i ate Lucky Charms.

it's too bad all the local stores are closed.

i was half tempted to go out and buy some kind of cereal with marshmallows in it right now.

even the generic equivalent which i believe is represented by a purple kangaroo somehow.

i wonder if the generic mascots are never invited to the good parties.

like Sunny from CoCo Puffs is allowed beyond the velvet rope but the chocolate monkey who is pictured on the bag of the same cereal that is probably manufactured in the same place is turned away by the bouncer who swears his name is not "on the list."

mmmm chocolate monkey.

it's not hard for me to find my happy place.

why do you ask?

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