Thursday, September 06, 2007

since i've never seen this movie before, i never gave thought to this.

but i popped in the dvd of "the last unicorn" for my daughter to watch.

she'd never seen it either.

so upon hearing the title of the movie she asked, "Daddy, if it's the last one, what happened to the other unicorns?"

"um, i guess they're gone."

"but daddy, what happened to them?"

"well i guess they died. let's watch the movie and see."

(life's harsh sometimes)

we only watched the movie until bedtime, which was pretty much 10 minutes. last thing i saw was the unicorn talking to a butterfly and asking if it had seen any other unicorns in all it's travels. he was nuttybats by the way. the unicorn didn't get any real answers. so mystery not solved. still, it was bedtime. she'll watch it later. then maybe she wil find out who killed all the unicorns and why.

i've never had "the last unicorn" on my list of movies i gotta see.
because, yes, being a guy and liking unicorns does make you gay.

...unless you're napoleon dynamite. and he's a fictional character.

fictional (making hand motions like ben affleck in jay and silent bob strike back) characters.

my son sleeps underneath his pillow by the way.

yeah, so do i. sleep under the pillow that is. yep. it's comfortable.
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