Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Spacey's impulse item "O" the day.
i was at walgreens buying vanilla ice cream and oreo's (i have my reasons) when i saw this particular item for sale.
2 Reece's Big Cups with banana cream filling.
it sounded so gross and so wrong i had to buy it!
plus! theY had a picture of the King on the wrapper.
and somehow, that totally sold it for me.
so i brought it home, took a pic, popped it in the fridge for a day and night and then...
i ate it while watching American Movie.
and i really had thought it was gonna taste downright horrible.
but ya know what? it tasted really really good.
i would buy more given the chance.
i know that there are some of you out there who would never give this combination/flavor a chance, and i can't say i blame ya.
but now i dare ya. no wait!
i'm gonna jump right to it and triple dog dare ya!!!!
and we all know what happens when you back down from a triple dog dare.
Spacey's impulse item "O" the day.
i was at walgreens buying vanilla ice cream and oreo's (i have my reasons) when i saw this particular item for sale.
2 Reece's Big Cups with banana cream filling.
it sounded so gross and so wrong i had to buy it!
plus! theY had a picture of the King on the wrapper.
and somehow, that totally sold it for me.
so i brought it home, took a pic, popped it in the fridge for a day and night and then...
i ate it while watching American Movie.
and i really had thought it was gonna taste downright horrible.
but ya know what? it tasted really really good.
i would buy more given the chance.
i know that there are some of you out there who would never give this combination/flavor a chance, and i can't say i blame ya.
but now i dare ya. no wait!
i'm gonna jump right to it and triple dog dare ya!!!!
and we all know what happens when you back down from a triple dog dare.
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i liked bananas with peanut butter i like bananas with chocolate i like bananas by gwen stefani mmmm bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S mmmm bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S
and i had one a week ago liked it
keep on rocking the free world space
p.s. when do i get a chance to be your friend again and hang out with you again i'll be good this time promise and i'll leave my tazer at home this time i promise
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and i had one a week ago liked it
keep on rocking the free world space
p.s. when do i get a chance to be your friend again and hang out with you again i'll be good this time promise and i'll leave my tazer at home this time i promise
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