Saturday, March 31, 2007

jacki and i figured out why i never smoked pot or even tried.

1) i'm a pretty mellow guy most of the time.

2) i always have the munchies

3) i see things differently than most people

4) i laugh at things that aren't funny

so you see, i've already got most of the symptoms. (at least, according to the movies i've seen)

and by avoiding the actual drug itself i've saved myself: money, from getting arrested or fired, perhaps brain cells and the fact that everything i own doesn't smell like poop.

of course, i'd be singin a different tune if it was about those sweet tasty caffeinated drinks.

i don't have a problem! you're the one with the problem!!!

i learned it from watching you, alright!!!!

...i like Star Wars and taco bell.

God bless America.

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