Sunday, March 25, 2007

at last! the story of the balloon.

comic con, 2006. not the best comic book convention i've ever been to, but we made the best of it.

there was a lonely guy at a table drawing anything you wanted (within reason) on a balloon for 2 dollars American. we saw kids with Wolverine and Spider-Man on thier air filled canvases.
since john and i think differently than the average 12 year old (i hope)we went for some other ideas.

originally john wanted a fat girl riding a moped. and i gotta agree, that's funny any day of the week.
the artist suggested a self portrait. so heck yeah, he got his face immortalized on a balloon. well, as permanent as a balloon piece of art can be.
he was such a happy lil boy to have his face on a balloon.

as for me, i wanted sumthin else.

originally, i asked for something else than what i got as well.
what i asked for was this:
i wanted Ewoks from Star Wars fighting the Smurfs in an epic Braveheart like battle. and somehow have the Snorks involved as well.
he gave me that look i get form most people whenever i voice my thoughts, the look that says "what kind of crazy are you?"

he convinced me that would be "too involved" to put on a balloon. it was a small canvas.
so he offered to compromise and have an Ewok punching a Smurf in the face.

i was filled with glee.
we both paid for the helium filled masterpieces and tipped him an extra dollar for his trouble. he was a good sport.

this pic probably has an explanation, and it's probably creepy. just try to only look at the balloon...

the Ewok is proclaiming, "Smurf this! Yub, Yub!" while giving the hapless Smurf what for. i should have made sure that it was Brainy Smurf. i just hate him so much. (shakes fist)

so for that matter, it can be any Surf you don't like. whether it be Vanity Smurf or even a made up one, like Too Much Coffee Smurf or Always the Friend, Never the Boyfriend Smurf. You pick.

i eventually gave the balloon to some nice folks who gave me a free t-shirt. face it, who wants to carry a balloon around everywhere?

and then one time, Rachel drew me a picture of epic proportions. i think Barbie was involved. you will have to ask her.

or she could put the pic in the comment section. and you should leave a comment too. cuz remember, if you don't comment, you don't count.
kind of like the extras on Lost.

You should have included the snorkles, they don't get enough love these days, even if that love comes at the end of a fist.
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