Thursday, September 21, 2006

well, for those of you who do and do not know and or do not care, i have decided to take some time off from being a high skool youth sponsor.

here are some answers i've prepared for as to why:

1) i'm on sabbatical. (my favorite excuse)

2) they've forgotten it's all about the grammar

3) i was thinking about spending a year being evil. i could be doing things like: peeing all over toilet seats(or at the very least leaving the seats up), cutting the labels off mattresses, stealing bank pens and super gluing things to other things. y'know, things a supposed role model shouldn't do.

4) techno music was forbidden. and i need my uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss.

5) i ran out of high skool aged griesemers. and life's so much more fun with a griesemer around. there, i said it.


7) i need to catch up on "desperate housewives" ...i'm so behind.
or even watch simpsons, family guy and to a much lesser extent american dad.

8) i forget what 8 was for

9) my voice needs to recuperate from over 10 years of yelling at about things.

10) LOOK ELVIS! (and then i run fast and far in the other direction)

11) i figured i'd better get outta there before they discovered it was me who made that mess in the bathroom...

the fact of the matter is i'm not burnt out on it. i can't imagine not being a high skool sponsor.
but i'm just on hiatus so i won't get burnt out. my wifey says i'm really close to that point. and she''s all kinds of smart and knows me better than most of you. so nyeh.

just to let ya know, i probably will go to on some trips. i was told I GOTTA go on the ski trip. and i see the logic in that. so on that note.

rock over London.

rock on Chicago.

Wheaties! Breakfast of Champions!

What? Working with teens can burn you out? Really?

Whoda thunk it?

Apparently, it's Clobberin' Time.

Enjoy some well deserved down time.
That brought a tear to my eye...

wait... no... it was the onions...

I believe I need to talk to buttledge about going on the ski trip too
We..I.. will miss you. But i'll still see you around!

yay space!
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