Sunday, August 20, 2006

well, i finally did it.
i just about put a hole through the inside of my nose with my pinky nail.
i knew picking my nose at 45 miles per hour plus was gonna catch up with me.
it hurt so bad.
blood and whatever else makes up the inside of my nose flowed.
still didn't get it completely booger free though.
so just be careful out there all you nose pickin drivers.
you know who you are.
it could happen to you.

so there.

There's a guy here whose nickname is Turbo, so you have to let me borrow both breakin' s, so I can show him how awesome he is.
^^^ That's awesome.

That reminds me of this episode of Round House (Old Nickelodeon) where there was a cardboard copy of your face you could wear so you could pick your nose at stoplights without people knowing what you were doing. It was still pretty obvious, so it might have been a different face...
that was a great story, it still makes me laugh when i re-read it.
round house! i loved round house! i was so sad when they stopped showing it... i don't really remember very much about it... just that i really liked it... oh, yeah, space... um, wouldn't kleenex work better??? yep, kleenex is fun. ^.^
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