Tuesday, March 07, 2006
alright! because michelle demanded it, here's the story!
once upon a time i was dating this girl who would eventually break up with me.
i should have seen it coming.
on one fateful night we were walking in a park. kinda romantic, talkin bout couple things. moonlight, etc.
then outta nowhere a skunk runs across our path.
i did what any self respecting, loving, caring and endearing boyfriend would do.
i pushed her out of the way and ran like it was the end of the world.
not that i meant to, but shortly after she caught up with me she informed me that putting myself ahead of her safety and hygiene was exactly what i had done.
she laughed about it at the time, but sometimes i think it got the wheels turning...
this story made michelle laugh longer than usual. which is a long time, ladies and gentlemen.
i'm still working on my epic tale that i've been promising. but i reminded myself that when a person who runs a website tells you that they will "write something soon. i promise." that's usually the slow death of a site. for instance, matt. ZING!
once upon a time i was dating this girl who would eventually break up with me.
i should have seen it coming.
on one fateful night we were walking in a park. kinda romantic, talkin bout couple things. moonlight, etc.
then outta nowhere a skunk runs across our path.
i did what any self respecting, loving, caring and endearing boyfriend would do.
i pushed her out of the way and ran like it was the end of the world.
not that i meant to, but shortly after she caught up with me she informed me that putting myself ahead of her safety and hygiene was exactly what i had done.
she laughed about it at the time, but sometimes i think it got the wheels turning...
this story made michelle laugh longer than usual. which is a long time, ladies and gentlemen.
i'm still working on my epic tale that i've been promising. but i reminded myself that when a person who runs a website tells you that they will "write something soon. i promise." that's usually the slow death of a site. for instance, matt. ZING!