Thursday, February 23, 2006

i don't know if the people who were spray painting the message below my feet got caught by the authorities before they could finish telling you what "this is"

the world may never know.

"the end."
i think they met a horrible death
Dear spaceman,
i know this is not how your blog woks but, i just thought maybe you might give it a shot. can you blog me about something fun to do on a boring nite at college when you have one. or just a blog about and awesome college story
your faithful reader
we used to just rent naughty movies and eat funeral cake. don't know what else there is to do on a limited budget. i would suggest building an entire civilization using only candy corn and hot glue. but that's just me.
naughty movies?! spaceman is not a good influence...
what else ya gonna do at a christian college? here's a list of naughty movies we rented:
dr. butcher M.D.
fat guy goes nutzoid
fart: the movie
and sorority babes at the slimeball bowl-a-rama

it was naughty that somebody actually made them.

and i never claimed i was a good influence.

so there.
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