Friday, July 15, 2005

Guess who's back.
back again.
Spacey's back. tell a friend.

no seriously, tell a friend.

hey! i'm back on the eeen-trrr- nett! oh joyous day! i thought this event would never happen.

the man was keeping me down. well, actually that, and my own stupidity...
i thought the dsl filter was so that you could filter in the dsl. not so you could filter out your other phones.... spacey not so smart sometimes. but at least i'm fun to cuddle.


i'm sure i lost some loyal followers, fans and hangers on in my absence. and i'm sure there were those who just couldn't give a rip if i fell off the edge,
into the abyss, onto the puke green shag carpet,
that we sometimes call hell.

but for those of you who did not give up hope, there's a prize under your chair...


as for an update on the incoming spawn of spaceman, the boy is just about done cooking. he just needs to come out and see the rest of the world. heaven knows that there have been many who have been praying night and day for the little "as yet to be named" tyke. and they are all anxious to see him. august 1st is a comin', but he can pop out any time if he so desires...

just not this sunday, that's my anniversary
of being married
to my wife
whom i love deeply
and don't want to share that day
with my kid
for every birthday
of every year
so on and so forth
call me selfish
so there.

by the way,
there are no monsters in your closet.

they are under your bed...

sleep tight.

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