Thursday, June 23, 2005

well, the era of the Spacevan has come and gone.
hope you had a chance to enjoy it.

the 93 astro van that has been with me on many adventures has been sold for the grand total of 300 dollars. Q and his buddy justin handed me cash money on the spot and drove away to have what i am tentatively calling "the Q-Van adventures"

the Spacevan has been to cornerstone several times, many a ski trip, and more youth group events than most high skoolers i know.

i even made out in it several times... with my wife.


we haven't kissed alot in it lately, we have a house.

ahem. anyway,
don't worry. i've never been naked in the van.
john has.

don't ask.

i even smuggled russians in it once. that was kinda wierd.

the 300 dollars that i earned from the sale is disappearing very fast.
i actually considered buying two hundred and forty dollars worth of pudding.
but the buyer's remorse would be tremendous!
"we had the 240."
"we just had to have the puddin!"

instead i just bought portable cd/mp3 players for my escort, my wife's car and my work truck.
i bought a thingie that transmits to an FM frequency from a portable player! this is going to make my work days go by so much faster! a 35 dollar purchase makes Spacey so happy! exclamation marks are fun!

i only have 90 dollars left.

and who wants 90 dollars worth of puddin?

now i'm driving a red ford escort wagon. and it needs a cool name that involves space somehow. i'd like to avoid using the word "mobile"
my first car was an 86 lincoln town car. we called it the "Soul Mobile"
man! i miss that car! you could fit 6 people in the trunk, and have room for golf clubs.

so far it's just "the escort" and when Space is driving you around, you're being carted around by "Space's Escort Service"
i can see that backfiring on me somehow.

so there.

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