Saturday, June 11, 2005
i've got this jug that i bought at walgreen's that holds a lot of water and looks like a small water cooler thingie (culligan, Hinkley and schmidt, etc.) it holds the amount of water you're actually supposed to drink in a day.
it's been so hot lately that by mid afternoon the water inside of it is about to boiling point. i told my wifey about this and she reminded me that last year i put a half full one in the freezer overnight and filled the rest the next day. i forgot about that. and that is one of the many reasons why i keep her around, that and she's carrying around my second child in her belly.
so i fill it halfway and freeze it. this morning i fill it all the way up and head out the door to work.
i place the jug on top of my truck so i can unlock the door. i look up and notice that there is a strange green tint on the bottom of the jug, and i know it's not the reflection from the truck because the truck's white.
i pick it up and look at the bottom.
...and i see it.
freezing the water forced all the impurities to the bottom.
yes, there was algae floating in the bottom of my water jug.
let's let that sink in for a moment.
of course there was absolutely no way that i was going to drink out of this container now.
but... well, chances are, i already drank down the yucky substance.
chances are, i even made the "ahhhh" sound at the end of each chug.
now let's let that sink in for a moment.
okay stop.
i looked later at the bottle after the ice inside had melted, and sure enough, the algae had coagulated into what looked like big floating balls of snot.
well, there ya go. gross.
drink pepsi.
i've got this jug that i bought at walgreen's that holds a lot of water and looks like a small water cooler thingie (culligan, Hinkley and schmidt, etc.) it holds the amount of water you're actually supposed to drink in a day.
it's been so hot lately that by mid afternoon the water inside of it is about to boiling point. i told my wifey about this and she reminded me that last year i put a half full one in the freezer overnight and filled the rest the next day. i forgot about that. and that is one of the many reasons why i keep her around, that and she's carrying around my second child in her belly.
so i fill it halfway and freeze it. this morning i fill it all the way up and head out the door to work.
i place the jug on top of my truck so i can unlock the door. i look up and notice that there is a strange green tint on the bottom of the jug, and i know it's not the reflection from the truck because the truck's white.
i pick it up and look at the bottom.
...and i see it.
freezing the water forced all the impurities to the bottom.
yes, there was algae floating in the bottom of my water jug.
let's let that sink in for a moment.
of course there was absolutely no way that i was going to drink out of this container now.
but... well, chances are, i already drank down the yucky substance.
chances are, i even made the "ahhhh" sound at the end of each chug.
now let's let that sink in for a moment.
okay stop.
i looked later at the bottle after the ice inside had melted, and sure enough, the algae had coagulated into what looked like big floating balls of snot.
well, there ya go. gross.
drink pepsi.