Tuesday, April 12, 2005
well, it finally happened.
as i mentioned earlier, the demon smell dwindled down to nothing. and all is well again to the olfactory senses in spacey's household.
i was afraid that Dinglenoose would leave his mark or make a final hurrah on his way out and on to the next unsuspecting family.
at first i believed that he just possessed the dog that lives in the house under us. it rarely ceases its annoying barking for a good part of the day, mostly when i'm trying to sleep in or read. it just turns out that the poor animal hates being locked up in a garage 23 hours a day. i'm not a big animal rights kind of guy, but that's just mean.
no. as the slippery demon left our presence he disabled my only VCR beyond repair. i had three at one point, but they slowly went the way of the buffalo.
now i know what most of you youngins are thinkin: "Space, haven't you heard of a new form of media called the D V D?"
yes, yes i have.
but here in lies the dilemma. my 3 year old daughter watches her favorite movies on video cassettes. and besides, cassettes play right away when you place them in the player. kids have no patience for a menu that takes 20 minutes to load that you can't skip. stinkin Disney.
this was the absolute hardest part about this. i had to explain to my heart broken daughter that we can no longer watch her Blues Clues or Little People (Fisher Price) movies because the VCR was broken. it was like explaining why her favorite pet had gone off to sing for the choir invisible.
she took it pretty hard. she kept asking me, "id da V T Arr boken?" "fis it, daddeee"
she then proceeded to sing the entire blues clues song , from the middle to the end of the song, she yelled the rest at the top of her lungs.
i know what some people would say. Space, why are you letting the TV raise your child, yada yada yada... hey, what can i say? the kid likes movies. she's like her old man that way. she also loves reading and playing with stickers.
so nyah!
so, Dinglenoose, when your time comes and you punishment begins, i hope you burn for a long time you shiny, smelly demon.
as i mentioned earlier, the demon smell dwindled down to nothing. and all is well again to the olfactory senses in spacey's household.
i was afraid that Dinglenoose would leave his mark or make a final hurrah on his way out and on to the next unsuspecting family.
at first i believed that he just possessed the dog that lives in the house under us. it rarely ceases its annoying barking for a good part of the day, mostly when i'm trying to sleep in or read. it just turns out that the poor animal hates being locked up in a garage 23 hours a day. i'm not a big animal rights kind of guy, but that's just mean.
no. as the slippery demon left our presence he disabled my only VCR beyond repair. i had three at one point, but they slowly went the way of the buffalo.
now i know what most of you youngins are thinkin: "Space, haven't you heard of a new form of media called the D V D?"
yes, yes i have.
but here in lies the dilemma. my 3 year old daughter watches her favorite movies on video cassettes. and besides, cassettes play right away when you place them in the player. kids have no patience for a menu that takes 20 minutes to load that you can't skip. stinkin Disney.
this was the absolute hardest part about this. i had to explain to my heart broken daughter that we can no longer watch her Blues Clues or Little People (Fisher Price) movies because the VCR was broken. it was like explaining why her favorite pet had gone off to sing for the choir invisible.
she took it pretty hard. she kept asking me, "id da V T Arr boken?" "fis it, daddeee"
she then proceeded to sing the entire blues clues song , from the middle to the end of the song, she yelled the rest at the top of her lungs.
i know what some people would say. Space, why are you letting the TV raise your child, yada yada yada... hey, what can i say? the kid likes movies. she's like her old man that way. she also loves reading and playing with stickers.
so nyah!
so, Dinglenoose, when your time comes and you punishment begins, i hope you burn for a long time you shiny, smelly demon.