Friday, April 01, 2005

i need an exorcist for my refrigerator.

since sunday of this week there has been a smell emanating from my kitchen that has been driving me and my wife crazy.
i spent sunday night doing the dishes and spraying lysol around the garbage area.

monday: i had the day off so i spent most of the day trying to isolate the funk.
i used bleach to clean behind the dishwasher, the sink, inside the sink and every corner and crevice i could possibly get to.
i was quite happy with myself.
until the clean bleach smell wore off.
and the smell returned.

tuesday: smell lives on. clean more. wifey gets involved. day ends. smell lives on.

wednesday: sort of isolate the smell to the fridge. wifey cleans out fridge. wipes out inside and all around in fridge. smell is still there when i get home. i move the entire fridge, clean the floor and all surroundings around the fridge bottom area. when this does not work, i blame satan.

thursday: we buy oust spray and arm and hammer for the inside of the fridge. at this point i'm sure the funk is caused by a demon. i decided to name him Dinglenoose. every time we clean more, we anger him. and he decides to permeate my house even more. this is the kind of evil that made people who had many gods believe that they had angered them, and were being punished. i hate you so much, Dinglenoose.

friday, today: we are told and believe that Dinglenoose is a mouse. a dead one. that chose to die inside our fridge. i take apart the back of our fridge. no dead mouse. no demon. evil smell of Dinglenoose lives on even stronger. he must die, AND GO BACK TO THE SHADOW!

more on the demon watch later. if you know any incantations or other things that actually rid the house of demons or poltergeists, let me know.

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