Tuesday, March 22, 2005

to tell you the truth, i hate going to church on Christmas And Easter.

here's why:

i'm kind of the opposite of a Chr-Easter (pronounced kree-ster) Christian. i'm sure there are many who are familiar with the term. it refers to those who only feel the need to attend church on Christmas and Easter.
i go ta church pretty regularly throughout the year. sure i ditch sometimes to go to the zoo or occasional comic book convention(www.wizarduniverse.com). and sometimes, just sometimes, i'm sick, cough cough.
and by no means do i hate Chr-Easters. WELCOME! hopefully you'll like us and come back often! sometimes there's free pastries!
it's just...well, let's put it this way, i don't do well with crowds.
i sometimes suffer from what you might call social anxiety.
in an area where i usually have room to frolic and move freely (not that i frolic that often, not since that awful day...) is filled with elbow to elbow people dressed in clothes that they wouldn't wear for the rest of the year, i feel like i can't breathe. vertigo and all that bad stuff.
it makes me get downright stabby.
and getting stabby in church just has bad idea written all over it.
by the way, the meaning of "stabby" for me is the feeling like you need to constantly stab people that are in your personal space until they feel the need to vacate that area and let you breathe. that was for those of you who are slow of mind.
i used to actually rectify this situation by not going on those days.
but now, my wife makes me.
yes, i'm making her the bad guy in this situation. she knows it.
i'm told that i would be a bad example to our daughter. she's right, and i hate that she's right about this. i also love her for having convictions. i'm sure there's other reasons i love her for as well.
so i go. i suffer. i sweat. i leave the knife at home.
so there ya have it. i ain't perfect. i never claimed to be. just to set you straight, i'm no good.

oh! and one last note:


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