Monday, January 24, 2005

things to do:

1) count how many Z's are in the first 10 minutes of toy story 2

2) sell things that i have so that i can buy other things to sell later... circle of life!

3) figure out why i just can't win

4) seperate my m&m's by size

5) find out why the color green is so prominent in my life

6) somehow stop the fashions of the 80's from making a comeback

7) read a book that doesn't involve x-wing fighters

8) get my face to appear on kid's band-aids

9) write the great American novel

10) make a prequel.. it's the latest thing to do these days, except Disney. they seem to have a neverending supply of sequels to their films. i'm holding out for Black Couldron 2.

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