Friday, June 25, 2004

allergy medicine really messes you up.
especially when you have no allergies.

say no to drugs.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

sorry i haven't written a blog in a while....
my last blog mentioned me and lot of knives.
then i don't write anything for awhile...
and no one cares?
no one writes my guestbook wondering if i had a mishap involving sharp and pointy things?
..there was a mishap you know, i did stab my left forefinger with one of my new shiny knives. i was not pleased. others laughed at my mishap.
but noooo.
not a "hey, i wonder why Spacey disappeared?"
or not even a "i wonder if Space would enjoy these nachos?"
nope. nada. zilch.


i'm gonna go watch Pink Floyd The wall.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

i bought knives today. lots of knives...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

if i had telekinesis i would be so fat.
think about it, if the remote for the TV is nowhere near your current comfy spot on the couch, you really wish you could just make it jump into your hand using your mind.
i would never feel the need to leave the couch.
i could make sandwiches from the living room.
i could mow the lawn while sipping on a cold beverage.
i would even levitate my whole fat body around so i wouldn't accidentally step on something pointy.
so fat.
oh yes.
sooo fat.

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