Friday, January 16, 2004

so it's my understanding that if i forget to bring the game called "Pepsi man" to these ski trip i'm attending this weekend. i might as well stop going to youth events altogether. i'll have to wear a scarlet "P" (for Pepsi) on my chest and be shunned at social gatherings.
but fear not. my special playstation and my copy of the japanese import game "Pepsi-man" will accompany me on my trip up north. i was told to bring some other japanes import crazy soda related games. i do have some. i'm not bringing "metal slug" its a great shooting and blowing things up game. the problem is, when the second player dies, he yells the "f" word. which i think is funny. from the gamemakers understanding, that's what americans yell after, or while, they've been shot and or killed. and they are probably correct. i'm pretty sure that my last word on this earth is going to be an expletive. please forgive me for that. i'm pretty sure my death is going to come as shock to me and i don't know what i might say. so go ahead, here's a simple test: hit your thumb with a hammer and see what word first comes to mind and even blurts out. sheesh, where did that come from? anyway, say no to drugs.

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