Wednesday, December 03, 2003

my name is Space, and I am funky.

this is just a reminder that failure to pass in the answers to your test will result in a poor grade and you will be held back a semester.

your friends will make fun of you. you'll end up sitting with the lunch lady and the girls gym teacher. you wont be able to figure out which of the two is wierder. you'll wonder if wierder is really a word. you'll spend alot more time wondering why you're wondering about that and how much time you really spent wondering about that.

and then, sadly, all your daydreaming and procrastinating can only lead to one thing. the late shift at some knock off taco bell restaurant. filling fajitas and dreaming of a better life that could have all been yours if you had only turned in the answers to that test...

so please, do yourself a favor. hand in your answers quickly.

p.s. none of the answers are meat.

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