Saturday, September 20, 2003

i don't believe that the scooby doo gang really went around "just stumbling upon" and solving mysteries. i'm very sure that they drove around and actually committed the very crimes they accused these poor old men of. i mean think about it, you could find anybody that is suffering from alzheimers, schizoprenia or even just plain loneliness, put them in a costume and yank off the mask in a room full of strangers and they'll admit to anything. then they'll blame it on those lousy kids and that dog.

that's how they got money to gas up that van and all those scooby snacks, which just aren't cheap.

go ahead, put my theory to the test. go to any restaraunt , preferably one with free refills on coffee, in the A.M. find that one older gentleman who talks to anybody who gets within 3 feet of him about the weather, where they workor how good or bad the coffee is, and politely take him away and dress him up as your favorite ghost or phantom.. take him to another crowded area, maybe even some people dressed as cops, yank off his mask and yell AHH-HA! if he doesn't start confessing to everything and blaming it on the dog then i guess i owe everyone an apology.

so there.

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