Friday, November 27, 2009

i took my daughter to see "cloudy with a chance of meatballs" and that movie spoke to me on so many levels.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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at one point in my life, i'd say around high skool, i did indeed collect straws.

whenever we would eat at a fast food place (which was an awful lot)i would fill my jean jacket pocket with a handful of straws. then i would come home and place them on the shelf. it just seemed to be a quirky thing to do. no reason. no goal. just one of those obsessions that i horde that would soon be replaced by CD's/Comics/DVD's/Star Wars books and toys/and soon to be Blu-Ray Discs.

here's a pic of the collection soon before it was completed and then...discarded.

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i'm sure there's a name for what i have,and probably a support group to get rid of it that involves a coffee machine and dry cookies in a church basement.

but ah well.

at least i brush my teeth and wear deodorant and don't believe pro-wrestling is real.
so i got that going for me.


i extracted a booger from my nose this morning that felt like i was removing a piece of my soul.

it was a good and bad feeling at the same time.

i was impressed.

and... well, that's just sad.

Friday, November 13, 2009


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once again,

i don't feel i need to explain my art to you, warren.

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