Wednesday, April 29, 2009


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as i was walking to the restroom at applebee's i wondered who on earth would frame a "Flightplan" poster.
and of course as i was wondering this, i walked into the women's bathroom instead.

true story.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


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soon my bounty hunter busts will be complete.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i've been getting a lot of weird looks and second glances from other drivers on the road lately.

it's not because i'm driving erratically.
it's not because i'm making any gestures or loud noises.
it's not even because i've got heart pumping techno music with a seizure inducing light show.

i even had some guy in front of me turn all the way around in his seat, laugh and then give me a thumbs up and i had to wonder why.

and then i remembered.

i've got a life sized version of DC Comics character Green Lantern made entirely out of balloons in my passenger seat.

it's just one of those things that i consider to be completely normal.

although, i should probably re-think having it in my work truck...

Friday, April 17, 2009

i don't feel i need to explain my art to you, warren.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

i don't think people should use the word "hypocrite" unless they are referring to themselves.

there. i said it.

call me crazy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spacey hates holidays.

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it's no secret that i hate forced holidays no matter what they celebrate.
(thank you Jesus for dying for our sins and rising again)
so instead of having a Happy -name your holiday here- Everybody website entry here, i've just got a picture of me at daytona beach yelling SPRING BREAK!

sure it was a week early to be yelling it.
timing is everything in this business.
but the spirit of Spring Break was in the air.


Thursday, April 09, 2009

so i finished reading john grisham's book "playing for pizza."
well, listened to.
shut up.
i absorbed it.
it was a pretty good book.
it strayed from his usual law/suspense books that become movies that aren't as good as the book.
and i thought this one would make another fun movie that wasn't as good as the book.
and then i thought about how tired we should be of sports underdog movies.
we have done them to death.
don't get me wrong, i think these are some of the most enjoyable and heartwarming films you can waste away your lazy sunday afternoons watching.
but then it hit me, we have given up and just churned out cheesy sports movies and replaced the actors with animals.
i am of course aiming at the "air bud" series.
which i really don't have a right to make fun of because i have never seen a single one of them.
at this point i refuse to watch them cuz now they've gone beyond the sports genre and we've shot the dogs into space.
it's only a matter of time before we ship them off to the white house and make "obama buddies."
you heard it here first, people.
i'm not attacking these movies, sports or buddies or both.
we need feel good, inspiring movies.
and heaven knows, we need clean family fun movies that MY kids can watch and not ask about the new and naughty words that they only overhear daddy saying while he's trying to fix his computer.
ah well.
i should stop there.
that should be all the stuff i thought about while i was driving and listening to audiobooks today.
you guys would get a lot more funny stuff outta me if i needed to have the latest gadgets and my cell phone was more than just, well, a phone.
and since i really have nothing real to blame for this i'm going to blame the movie, "teen wolf too."
i just think a lot of the world's problems can be traced back to that movie.
so there.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

who, ze Germans?

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ate at the German restaurant at Epcot Center. BUFFET STYLE!
soooo good.


there are few buffets where i am full after one plate.

the second plate consisted of the soup that i overlooked the first round in lieu of the meat salad and more of those pretzel rolls. which i stole a couple more of so we could eat later. that's right! i steal from buffets. what, you wanna fight about it?

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very entertaining. good time had by all.

sponsored by Coca-Cola

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