Monday, December 24, 2007

as John calls it: Happy Vegasmas!!!

holidays schmolidays!
i gotta go and visit my Vegas wife.

be back soon with lots of pics and stories.

see you suckas lata!

oh, and be careful out there.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Roundeye was right!

so Wifey rolls her eyes at me and asks, "Redpac gave you more T-shirts? i need to have a talk with him."

Free Stuff Rocks.

Friday, December 21, 2007

it's hard to describe this website to people without sounding like a psycho.

so here's a picture of Spacey when he was just a lad in short pants.

so there.

i stole this picture.

but that's stinkin cool.

support your local nerds. you never know when you are gonna need your computer fixed.

remember, they are allergic to sunlight.

but so are goths.

but i don't know if you need to support your local goth, i don't know what they can fix...

but you know what? support your local goths anyway. they may grow out of it and become your next congressman and then tax the heck out of you.

God bless America!

i like star Wars and taco bell.

"We rock hard, because we care."

Thursday, December 20, 2007


and that, my friends is why Q is so money.

Vegas baby! Vegas.

Why do days off go by so fast!!?!?

this was my project today. the "Star Wars Room."
this is the before picture.
i was really hoping to take an after picture once it was all nice and super clean.
but... that didna happen. i did happen to do a deep clean and vacuum up all the cobwebs and crevices. it does really bother me that the stupid spiders can't just jump in between Star Wars figures but they have to squirt sticky stuff from their butts while doing it. they're not making homes or setting traps for food.
they just make tiny threadlike bridges.
spiders are bad.


apparently, i've still got a lot of organizing to do...

p.s. don't laugh at the couch. it was left behind with the house. in fact, it's pretty sad how much mis-matched furniture i've accumulated in this room alone.


Monday, December 10, 2007


now that's quality cinema!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Spacey in the art world.

pictured here is a pointillism i have entitled:
"me and short steve back in the day and the silly hats we wore for different reasons."

i don't feel i need to explain my art to you, warren.

that was from Empire Records.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

that's it!!!

the world officially hates me on wednesdays.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

when i was seven years old, my family moved to a bigger house that was brand spankin new cuz they built it themselves with a little help from family and friends. so that meant that i got to help pick what my environment would be like in my room.

so naturally, i went with what i knew.

i'd like to think i was a well rounded kid. i didn't just go with one single theme.

my parents asked one of their friends from church to paint the murals on my wall. he was awesome. he was also the one who designed the logo of my dad's pool company which we still use today.

my sister took better pictures of these at one point, but i don't know where they are. the reason why you see lots of white or torn off pieces is due to the fact that we put up this highly expensive wallpaper about the time i really started liking girls and decided that they might be scared off by the guy who had snoopy and huey, duey and luey on his wall.

unfortunately, the wallpaper did not go on smoothly. it was so thick and heavy that my dad and i had to practically use super glue to get it on the walls. my parents are deciding what to do with the room now, so when the wallpaper came off, it took some of the mural paint with it. right now it's sort of a sewing room/spare room for junk.

most people who see these pictures say, "well, that explains a few things."

i couldn't do the Star Wars corner any justice in these pictures cuz there is currently a large vanity in front of it. or whatever you call that particular piece of furniture.

hopefully, i will take some better pics before we move everything in order to paint.

it would be a shame not to have some pics of my favorite side of the room before it was coated over forever...

it's funny to think that this was painted before Return of the Jedi was even in the theaters.
he used a lot of my comics to get the inspiration for the murals.

so there ya have it. just one more explanation to my peter pan syndrome. someday (when i get it clean) i may take pics of the room i currently some of my toys, books and computer room which my family affectionately calls "The Star Wars Room. ...for obvious reasons...

i'm not sure, but i think this "Lounge" sign was stolen from titus hall at Lincoln Christian College.

so nyeh.

Saturday, December 01, 2007



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