Saturday, May 28, 2005
i haven't had anything good to talk about for the past few days,
soooo i didn't write anything at all.
so there.
on a lighter note: kittens.
soooo i didn't write anything at all.
so there.
on a lighter note: kittens.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
i ate 10 packages of Fun Size M & M's today.
and the Empire will be defeated... by Ewoks!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
so my wife found a house she really really liked on saturday. i wasn't able to house hunt with her cuz i was needed to help with my sister and niece (my sister is broken due to a car accident, long story short, she doesn't move much). she gets home tells me about the house, i trust her opinion on what she wants in a home. i say go for it. i believe the term i used was "jump on that". so sunday afternoon she calls the realtor. says "jump on it" they get the paperwork ready on monday. we are supposed to go over tuesday night so i can see it and we can present said offer.
this morning (tuesday) at 9:30 am i get the call from my wifey and she tells me the sad news that some other jerkface came in with a wad of cash and snatched our house from underneath us!!!!!!
man!!!! this is at least the second time that this has happened while we've been house hunting. again, this is why i don't gamble. i really, really, really hate playing this game. i just wanna see a house, like the house, buy the house then, live in the house. end of story. but nope. i gotta deal with some sick little (expletive deleted) swooping in and grabbing any deal out of my hands. sure, i realize that's what i want to do to somebody else when it is finally my turn to win in the big real estate roulette wheel, but come on!!!! when''s it gonna be my turn?!? no whammy, no whammy, no whammy..STOP!!! wah wah wuh. ah well, i'm a lot less bitter about it than i was at 9:30 this morning. if i would have entered my thoughts then there would have been a lot more expletives deleted....
so there.
so my wife found a house she really really liked on saturday. i wasn't able to house hunt with her cuz i was needed to help with my sister and niece (my sister is broken due to a car accident, long story short, she doesn't move much). she gets home tells me about the house, i trust her opinion on what she wants in a home. i say go for it. i believe the term i used was "jump on that". so sunday afternoon she calls the realtor. says "jump on it" they get the paperwork ready on monday. we are supposed to go over tuesday night so i can see it and we can present said offer.
this morning (tuesday) at 9:30 am i get the call from my wifey and she tells me the sad news that some other jerkface came in with a wad of cash and snatched our house from underneath us!!!!!!
man!!!! this is at least the second time that this has happened while we've been house hunting. again, this is why i don't gamble. i really, really, really hate playing this game. i just wanna see a house, like the house, buy the house then, live in the house. end of story. but nope. i gotta deal with some sick little (expletive deleted) swooping in and grabbing any deal out of my hands. sure, i realize that's what i want to do to somebody else when it is finally my turn to win in the big real estate roulette wheel, but come on!!!! when''s it gonna be my turn?!? no whammy, no whammy, no whammy..STOP!!! wah wah wuh. ah well, i'm a lot less bitter about it than i was at 9:30 this morning. if i would have entered my thoughts then there would have been a lot more expletives deleted....
so there.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
i watched the movie "chitty chitty bang bang" yesterday in it's entirety. and man!!! that was one of the longest experiences of my life! even the beginning credits were way too long.
i kept thinking through the whole movie that it would be a much better experience if i was dropping acid.
and i've never taken acid.
i just thought partaking of a mind altering substance would improve my perception of this screwed up musical.
on the up side, the name of the love interest in the show was Truly Scrumptious.
and i made the comment to my sister that that would make a great porn star name.
she yelled at me for about 10 minutes for that one.
she tends to do that sometimes...
i just thought the movie was about a flying car.
i kept thinking through the whole movie that it would be a much better experience if i was dropping acid.
and i've never taken acid.
i just thought partaking of a mind altering substance would improve my perception of this screwed up musical.
on the up side, the name of the love interest in the show was Truly Scrumptious.
and i made the comment to my sister that that would make a great porn star name.
she yelled at me for about 10 minutes for that one.
she tends to do that sometimes...
i just thought the movie was about a flying car.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
well, the house has been on the market for 4 days.
we got an offer today.
we accepted.
it's all pending on inspections and loan approvals and all that jib jab.
now we gotsta find a house.
or else we're gonna be homeless on june 30th.
that means i can't go to ciy.
(for those of you who don't know or don't care, ciy is Christ in youth conference for teenagers. i may no longer be a teenager, but i can still be a sponsor and act like a teenager)
i'm pretty certain i was not meant to go to this youth event.
here are the signs:
1) my wifey's pregnant. i'm pretty sure i know who's fault that is...
anyway, ciy takes place exactly one month before the due date. i got a lot of static about that.
that should have made me not go in the first place (according to all mom's, pregnant or otherwise, everywhere) but i just have too much fun at this event.
2) the one in adrian, michigan was filled up, sold out and unavailable. so we had to make plans to go to the tennessee conference. 10 hours away. again, wifey pregnant. far away. not good.
3) at the college in tennessee the dorms are all filled up. we need to stay in hotels, which can be sad compared to college dorm party life. in a hotel/motel (whatever) there would be a lot more rules..... to break. i would make it fun, i'm spacey. i always make it fun. i was even thinking of ways of making my motel-like stay Space-tacular!
but then....
4) we are trying to sell and buy a house, in no particular order. and if this lady who wants to buy the former casa de Spacey comes through on her end. i need to be there to sign papers on june 30th. and then there's the packing moving and helping wifey to live through her last month "o" pregnancy.
me no happy bout missing an event i've been planning to have fun at since it ended last year.
but, that's just the way things pan out.
deal with it!
we got an offer today.
we accepted.
it's all pending on inspections and loan approvals and all that jib jab.
now we gotsta find a house.
or else we're gonna be homeless on june 30th.
that means i can't go to ciy.
(for those of you who don't know or don't care, ciy is Christ in youth conference for teenagers. i may no longer be a teenager, but i can still be a sponsor and act like a teenager)
i'm pretty certain i was not meant to go to this youth event.
here are the signs:
1) my wifey's pregnant. i'm pretty sure i know who's fault that is...
anyway, ciy takes place exactly one month before the due date. i got a lot of static about that.
that should have made me not go in the first place (according to all mom's, pregnant or otherwise, everywhere) but i just have too much fun at this event.
2) the one in adrian, michigan was filled up, sold out and unavailable. so we had to make plans to go to the tennessee conference. 10 hours away. again, wifey pregnant. far away. not good.
3) at the college in tennessee the dorms are all filled up. we need to stay in hotels, which can be sad compared to college dorm party life. in a hotel/motel (whatever) there would be a lot more rules..... to break. i would make it fun, i'm spacey. i always make it fun. i was even thinking of ways of making my motel-like stay Space-tacular!
but then....
4) we are trying to sell and buy a house, in no particular order. and if this lady who wants to buy the former casa de Spacey comes through on her end. i need to be there to sign papers on june 30th. and then there's the packing moving and helping wifey to live through her last month "o" pregnancy.
me no happy bout missing an event i've been planning to have fun at since it ended last year.
but, that's just the way things pan out.
deal with it!
Monday, May 09, 2005
Spacey's gross story "o' the day.
i almost threw up at work today.
my second stop in my pool cleaning schedule today included a huge spa next to the pool.
some people call them hot tubs.
the pool and spa were opened just last week.
it's my job to clean them and make them look happy and shiny.
i open up the spa cover and BAM! black mold all around the waterline.
then the smell hits me.
Dinglenoose X 100.
i open up the side where the filter goes and i find out the reason for the stench.
there are 2 dead mice in the filter area.
not just dead mice.
long dead mice.
one was floating next to his intestines.
the other ones head snapped off inside the filter.
i could see his little spine and jaw and innard like stuff from inside his neck area.
like i said, i almost threw up a lot.
the filter is black with grime, and mouse parts are floating all around it.
i went to the truck, got my work gloves, which just ain't waterproof.
and i proceeded to cuss and lift the filter out in order to hose it off.
i soooooo had to find a happy place.
i was thinking of julie bowen from the movie "happy gilmore" holding two pitchers of mountain dew.
it kinda helped.
but not much.
the filter is now soaking in muriatic acid and water.
the spa was scrubbed diligently by yours truly.
the dead mice were "disposed of".
i still feel all kinds of crawly in the aftermath.
so, there you have it.
my gross story "o" the day.
we shall see what tomorrow brings in my wacky adventures in pool cleaning.
but i probably won' t write about them.
i almost threw up at work today.
my second stop in my pool cleaning schedule today included a huge spa next to the pool.
some people call them hot tubs.
the pool and spa were opened just last week.
it's my job to clean them and make them look happy and shiny.
i open up the spa cover and BAM! black mold all around the waterline.
then the smell hits me.
Dinglenoose X 100.
i open up the side where the filter goes and i find out the reason for the stench.
there are 2 dead mice in the filter area.
not just dead mice.
long dead mice.
one was floating next to his intestines.
the other ones head snapped off inside the filter.
i could see his little spine and jaw and innard like stuff from inside his neck area.
like i said, i almost threw up a lot.
the filter is black with grime, and mouse parts are floating all around it.
i went to the truck, got my work gloves, which just ain't waterproof.
and i proceeded to cuss and lift the filter out in order to hose it off.
i soooooo had to find a happy place.
i was thinking of julie bowen from the movie "happy gilmore" holding two pitchers of mountain dew.
it kinda helped.
but not much.
the filter is now soaking in muriatic acid and water.
the spa was scrubbed diligently by yours truly.
the dead mice were "disposed of".
i still feel all kinds of crawly in the aftermath.
so, there you have it.
my gross story "o" the day.
we shall see what tomorrow brings in my wacky adventures in pool cleaning.
but i probably won' t write about them.
Saturday, May 07, 2005